Evo Devo

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Intronic splicing suppressor:

modified: Pre-mRNA splicing is a sophisticated and ubiquitous nuclear process, which is a natural source of cancer-causing errors in gene expression. Intronic splice-site mutations of tumor suppressor genes often cause exon-skipping events that truncate proteins just like classical nonsense mutations. Also, many studies over the last 20 years have reported cancer-specific alternative splicing in the absence of genomic mutations. Affected proteins include transcription factors, cell signal transducers, and components of the extracellular matrix.
Venables JP. Aberrant and alternative splicing in cancer. (Free Full Text Article) Cancer Res. 2004 Nov 1;64(21):7647-54.

Aberrant splicing in several human tumors in the tumor suppressor genes neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2, and tuberous sclerosis 2. [Cancer Res. 2002] PMID: 11888927
Splice variants as cancer biomarkers. [Clin Biochem. 2004] PMID: 15234240
Disruption of WT1 gene expression and exon 5 splicing following cytotoxic drug treatment: antisense down-regulation of exon 5 alters target gene expression and inhibits cell survival. [Mol Cancer Ther. 2004] PMID: 15542786
A polar mechanism coordinates different regions of alternative splicing within a single gene. [Mol Cell. 2005] PMID: 16061185
Alterations of pre-mRNA splicing in cancer. [Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2005] PMID: 15648050
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Functional studies on the ATM intronic splicing processing element. [Nucleic Acids Res. 2005]
Solution structure of the pseudo-5' splice site of a retroviral splicing suppressor. [RNA (2004), 10:1388-1398. ]


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