Evo Devo

Evolutionary development - at the biological interface between genetic regulatory mechanisms and biological evolution.


Order of items on site:

Evo Devoalternative exonsAlu elementsalternative promotersalternative splicingalternative 3' splicingalternative 5' splicingcassette exonscellular fatecell cyclecellular survivaldifferentiation & embryogenesisepigenetic mechanismsESEESSexon skippinggene regulation and biological evolutiongenetic variationhomeobox geneshomeodomainintron retentionISEISSmicro RNAmolecular switchesregulationsignalingWnt signalingReferences to Evo DevoSITE MAPCompanion Sites

Alphabetic items: items may be listed more than once under alternate names: ₪ alternative exonsalternative promotersalternative splicingalternative 3' splicingalternative 5' splicingAlu elementsbiological evolution through gene regulationcassette exonscell cyclecell signalingcellular fatecellular survivalCompanion Sitescommunicationcycledifferentiation & embryogenesisepigenetic mechanismsESEESE, ESS, ISE, ISSESSEvo Devoexon skippinggene regulation and biological evolutiongenetic variationhomeobox geneshomeodomainintron retentionISEISSmicro RNAmolecular switchesReferences to Evo Devoregulationregulation of genes and biological evolutionsignalingswitchesvariation


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. . . evolving and developing since 10/06/06